Hello, thanks for stopping by. My name is Darren and I’m the proud father of 2 daughters and live in Yorkshire in the UK. Having invested for a number of years, I’ve decided to see whether I could start again with nothing.
The reason being, is that the economy isn’t great at the time of writing. The bills are going up, as Is the cost of living. With more strain on our pockets than ever before, Investing isn’t at the forefront of people’s minds; surviving is!
That’s why, I’ll be logging my progress on this blog for all to see, as well as motivating me too. It would be great if you’d follow along, and hopefully this will inspire you to give it a go also.
In the early days, I won’t have any money to invest, so things will get a little creative. Bear with me, and lets hope we cab create something form nothing 🙂
Thanks again for visiting SkintInvestor.com.
All the best,