£169.36 To £650.09

Things have gone a little crazy since my last post. The betting firms released my withdrawals, and that’s added a decent sum to the bank account. I also wrote a betting guide, and currently sold 5 copies, which I’ve added to the pot over the last 2 days.
You can do the same. My guide’s are informative and less than 20 pages in length usually. I first started selling these on Ebay years ago, and kept the email address of each buyer. This data then developed into a small email list to market new products too.
My little list, usually gets a handful of sales, every time I develop something new. I write these guides myself, but you could use Chat GPT to develop your own products if you wish. People love information products. As the saying goes, love what you do and the money will follow.
What’s Happened?
Ok, here’s a run down of progress…
- Smarkets Account has a balance of £113.24
- Ebook Sales £293.89
- Paddy Power £6.00
- Virgin Bet £1.43
- Change £6.50
- Betano £97.23
The above figures don’t include some bets which I failed to record. I opened some accounts with some dodgy bookmakers, and haven’t added them here (to stop anyone reading losing money). My most enlightening and lucky move was a treble bet with Betano. I got a free football treble bet, and couldn’t afford to lay it off at the time. I decided to punt the free bet and it came in, adding £97.23.
Anyway, the current total stands at £650. I never thought that things would move so quickly, so I guess the next target is to get to £1000.
Divine Intervention

What I’ve found pretty strange, is that when I started this experiment, I had little idea of how to take each step. I think that taking on this challenge has had a little divine intervention. It seems that magically, the ideas seem to flow. With these ideas, the money seems to be attracted somehow.
I watched an Interview with singer/songwriter Tori Amos recently. She also experienced something that seemed to be other worldly, when it came to writing. The remarkable thing is that it just seems to happen. I don’t have the answers, but I’m humble enough to acknowledge this. It’s like the wisdom of the ages comes from the universe to help us.
It may be the same force that allows manifestation to happen. It’s something I’d like to learn more of. In fact Hypnotist Paul McKenna has just written a book on the subject, so I might need an Amazon shop.
Thoughts On The Year So Far!
During the Xmas break, I get to reflect on what I want for the following year. As such, I’ve enquired about numerous opportunities to add income for the coming year. Now, despite the economy becoming decimated, I’m astounded at the cost of some of these so-called opportunities.

I could clean ovens for £20,000 or buy trading software for £11,500. Ironically, SkintInvestor has made more money with no investment already. Can you imagine spending that sort of money, before you do your first oven job or make your first trade.
You already have the skills to emulate your own success. Copy me and save your money, you have success within you. How will things have changed by next Xmas? That’s down to you dear reader, but I’m rooting for you 🙂
What Next?
I expect a few more book sales over the next week or so, and I’ll be continuing with Matched Betting. Again, this is just an experiment, and it’s never going to be a full-time job. It’s supposed to be fun, whilst learning new skills.
This idea is loosely based on Stuart Goldsmiths doubling method. Stuart started by finding some change in a car-park. Starting with a penny, he aimed to double it until he reached a million. Some of his success has been outlined in his book, called The Midas Method.
I read it back in 1996. It was a difficult time financially for me. I lost a relationship, lost a job, and got deeply into debt. I can’t recall the chapter, but in 3 words, the author changed my life for the better. I’m going to give you those words right now!
Stop Buying Things!
Simple but so powerful. And I got myself out of this mess working 7 days a week, for many years, using those words. It doesn’t matter where you are now, it’s where you want to be.
Ironically, as I’m writing this, I’m wondering where this idea will take us. Already we’ve started this journey, and in my opinion, we’re doing pretty well. When we get to £1000, then we’ll start investing into something. Again, I’m hoping some divine intervention will guide us.
Thanks for reading, and speak soon.