Here we go, dear reader. The beginning of an experiment that I hope you’ll become a part of in some small way. If you’re reading this, then welcome.
The reason for building this site, and documenting my progress is two fold. Firstly, It’ll provide a record as I progress forward. You’ll see my successes and failures laid bare.
When you get to my age (early 50’s) you’ll realise that life isn’t always smooth. There are constant highs, lows setbacks and learning experiences. Never be afraid to have a go, you have one life, please don’t waste it!
Maybe it’ll provide a roadmap for some, or merely just entertainment, that’s fine with me. Hopefully some of you will be inspired by my shenanigans, and follow suit. Although I’m, writing this blog, my focus is on you dear friend. My aim is to get you to a better place financially, than where you’re at currently. I’m always available to help, so please use the contact page to reach me.

What’s It All About?
It’s interesting, as yet again, the economy is in turmoil. Ironically, I watched a documentary today from the 1970’s on starting your own business. Guess what, those people were exposed to exactly the same issues we see in the news now. Higher taxes, banks not wanting to lend money, lack of jobs, you name it. The problems are cyclical, and will continue to be so.
Despite these issues, I see and hear that people can’t afford to invest for their futures, my own children included. It’s ok though, they need a top of the range IPhone, and they need a Starbucks everyday. But no, they can’t afford to invest…
They actually think that the government will look after them in older age. Ironically, the simple economics of fewer jobs means less tax income. Therefore less money to distribute to the masses at retirement. It’s no coincidence that the retirement age keeps getting put back, again and again.
My solution is this very experiment of putting your own financial house in order again. Taking control of every penny, and making it work for you, and not the other way round. Being responsible for your spending, and If I dare say, becoming more frugal with non essential spending.
How And Why?

Let’s just imagine that you didn’t spend £100 on new shiny trainers, but opted for an equally suitable £40 pair, then you’ve saved £60. That’s £60 that could be put away and invested for the future. If you’re under 30 years of age, please read the following carefully:
Nobody Cares What Car, Phone Or Clothing You Wear!
That being said, you’ll instantly see where you can save some money. It’s a simple mental shift that will see you become instantly empowered. Get a Starbucks on the way to work each day. That’s 22 days at £5 a day. Another £110 wasted, that could be invested. Take a flask or wait until you get to work for a drink :-).
I sound mean, I know. But look at your habits, and then tell me why you can’t afford this or that. I’m being mean to save you from yourself. Small habit changes, over time equals large rewards.
Why Should I Listen To You?
I’m no guru, perish the thought. But you’re here reading this, because you’re probably not where you want to be in life currently. Some old fool actually spelling out the follies of modern lifestyles may just prick up your ears.
The young say how hard it is to get on the housing ladder. The irony is, that we have more young adults with a degree education than we’ve ever had. Yet these smart people can’t understand common sense. Ditch the silly unnecessary spending, and save for a house. Renting is far more expensive than a comparable property mortgage.

Summing Up
I make no apologies for sounding a little raw. I’m hoping to prompt you into taking responsibility for your actions, that’s all. I’m not mean, as you’ll soon see…
Let’s get started, and see where this wild journey may take us!