How To Make Money From Nothing

£0 To £120.62

So, we’ve just hit the New Year and we need to get started. You’ll see what I’m doing and where the money comes from. Obviously, if you’re following along, make the rules that are comfortable to your circumstances. Let’s learn how to make money from nothing.

Let’s Go!

So Xmas bought me the gift above ….I actually wanted a bike lol. But hey, it’s a start, and the money jar contained £3. Ironically the money box cost a tenner, I found out afterwards. So that’s a great start from nothing.

Amazon next came to the rescue with a commission payment of £1.73 from some notebooks that my kids and I designed over 4 years ago now. In fact, I’d forgotten all about it, until the money popped into my account. It was a nice surprise, but I don’t think I can rely on that as a residual income.

Next we went out on New Years Eve for a few drinks, so why not put the loose change to use, by adding that to the pot also. That added a further £9.55 to the total. It also explains why I was walking with a distinct lean.

As it’s the beginning of a new month and year, I’ve added the interest from a couple of bank accounts. I figure that I didn’t have the money before, so let’s add that to the pot too. So Virgin deposited £8.62, whilst Chase were more generous with £62.72.

I also received £35 for a small collection of e-books I sold. So I’ve added that to the pot also. I don’t expect the rest of my blog posts to be as productive as this one, but let’s tally up and see where we’re at.


  • £3 Gift For Bike Fund
  • £1.73 from Amazon
  • £9.55 New Years Change
  • £8.62 Virgin Bank Interest
  • £62.72 Chase Bank Interest
  • £35 E-book Sale

That makes £120.62 as a starter fund. Again, I think this post will be the exception rather than the norm. I think we’re going to have to be creative moving forward. If you have any idea’s, I’d love to hear them and it may benefit other readers.

Summing Up

A lot seems to have happened in the last week or so, and I expect things to quieten down a little. This first action post should give you an idea what I’m up to, and the type of activities on my radar. We’ve also got a workable pot of money for the next post.

I’m not really sure what will happen next if I’m honest. I’m sure some ideas will flow over the next few days, and you’ll know as soon as that happens. I will be searching for items I can buy and sell, as despite the name SkintInvestor, I don’t really have enough money to invest just yet.

I aim to add some advertising to the site when it gains some momentum, hopefully that will add some coppers too. But more importantly, you’ll see that you can emulate, what I’m doing for your own benefit.

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